Friday, April 6, 2012

Sorry For The Wait...

Hello my loves! First, before I get to the point of this post, I would like to apologize for my absence from the blogging, vlogging and nail art community. I have been having some personal problems lately and took some time off to deal with everything. I'm still resolving some issues, but I am in a better place now then I was a few months ago, so I am so sorry for that.

Now, to nail art news, I have created an email address for you guys to send me love notes and such to :) lol.

No, but seriously, I have made a new special email address just for my nail art community people. I made it for two reasons, one being that if you guys have any requests, questions, would like to be referred to a nail guru I mention, want to send me an email about something you like/didn't like about a post or a video, etc., you can. But please, no weird stuff. I deal with enough weirdos on a daily basis so please don't make me regret making this email address for you guys.

Secondly, I am thinking about selling sets of nails designed by me. So if anyone would like to send me a set that fits you for me to paint for you, that can happen. OR I am also thinking about buying some sets and designing them to sell. This is all still in the beginning stages of happening so I haven't come up with a pricing system yet or anything. I really haven't decided if I am actually going to do this or not yet. And there would be a charge. As much as I would like to do this shit for free, I would eventually run out of product and supplies so, i will have to charge something. PLUS shipping is definitely NOT free, and I do apologize for that. So, if you guys like this idea, go ahead and shoot me an email or a comment on one of my many social networking platforms letting me know what you think.

The email address, finally lol I know I talk a lot, is

Send me some love soon and let me know whats up and if you guys like my new idea of the designing and selling nail sets.

Much love!! <3

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