I know I haven't posted in over a month or uploaded any new videos in even longer than that BUT I'm here now and that is what counts my lovely followers.
So, first post of 2012 is about SOPA/PIPA.
If you follow my blog then you are well aware that i am STRONGLY against these acts. But if your new to my blog, now is the perfect time to catch up ;)
So, for those of you who do not know what SOPA or PIPA are, they are the weak ass attempts of the government trying to censor the Internet.
SOPA stands for Stop Online Piracy Act
PIPA stands for Protect IP Act
If your not exactly sure what these mean, bing, Google or Yahoo, or whatever lovely form of finding information you prefer, it.
The basic idea is that the government thinks that the Internet is evil and full of copyrighted information and the solution they have come up with is to try and pass these acts that block certain websites from being accessed if they contain copyrighted information. Now, in theory that's all good but in reality it would eventually bring the Internet crashing down.
Let me explain further...
Many of the most used websites (Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, Wikipedia, etc.) would be blocked from use forever. Why? Because people post copyrighted material on there all of the time. and its generally harmless things that get posted. BUT since its copyrighted material, whether infringement was intended or not, the government would see that website as a threat and block off all means of going to that website from the US forever. They are using "more job opportunities" as a way to get people to vote for it. But when you actually sit down to think about it,it would make more jobs unavailable and make the unemployment rate skyrocket and not only that, it would eventually put an end to the Internet its self in its entirety.
Today, January 18th, 2012 marks Internet Blackout Day!
Many of your favorite and most visited websites are "Blacking out" Google and Mozilla included. This is in protest to SOPA/PIPA and the ridiculousness of it. If you disagree with these and want to put your say in the matter, here is a way for you to do that...
or just go to Google and click the big rectangle and it will take you to where you need to be to sign the petition. We need to tell congress to NOT vote these into effect!
So many peoples jobs not only rely on but require Internet use everyday. Its not only the bloggers/vloggers like me, but evangelists, churches who stream live services to those who cant make it out of the house to get to service, web designers, students, game designers, people in marketing/advertising, and countless others would be out of a job. Lets take a second to think about all of these people, their families and not to mention the people they help. We all use these
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